Random PHP function explained

file1_Open_Source_PHP_logo_667A few weeks ago, Jamie Bicknell notified me he read my article about the Random PHP function. Because I didn’t publish any code, he wrote a 3 line implementation of how he would fetch the functions for the randomness.

I promised him I would publish the code that weekend, and here we are, a few weeks later…

The script actually parses the http://php.net/quickref.php page, saves the result, and redirects the user.

$cacheFile './functions.tmp';
if (!
is_file($cacheFile)) {
$quickref 'http://php.net/quickref.php';
$xml DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile($quickref);
$links $xml->getElementsByTagName('a');
$functions = array();
    foreach (
$links as $link) {
        if (
substr($link->getAttribute('href'), 08) == '/manual/') {
$functions[$link->nodeValue] = $link->getAttribute('href');
} else {
$functions unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile));
$function $functions[array_rand($functions)];
$function 'http://php.net' $function;
header('Location: ' $functiontrue303);

Some improvements:

  • Invalidate the cache file when a new PHP version is announced.
  • Read random lines from the file (instead of loading the complete array in the memory).

Update: Forgot the mention the actual blogpost of Jamie Bicknell…

Random PHP function

To explore new things, I sometimes use the ‘Random article‘ link on Wikipedia. It is a simple and basic principle, but it gets you to articles you would never get by just browsing the site.

I was looking for something that did the same job for the php.net site, but could not find anything. As a programmer, you’re most likely to end up in the same chapters of the manual over and over again, and a ‘Random function’ link would be nice to find out new stuff.

So I wrote on myself…

The script parses the http://php.net/quickref.php page, and picks a random link to redirect you to. Anyone heard of HaruDoc? 🙂

Try it yourself: Random PHP Function. Good luck!

Stuff to read from Google


Google has some really nice stuff to read, written in an easy to read way, about all sorts of things. It’s a lot about front-end things, but as a back-end developer I’m responsible to build pages & sites with an infrastructure which leverages these things.

The things I found recently: